Saturday, May 26, 2012


After breakfast, we walked down to the local veterinrian's office. He told us about how the vet practice is in romania. Basically, the biggest difference is that the veterinarians get paid back by the government  in romania for vaccines that are required by law for different animals. Otherwise it is fairly similar, though the vet sees mostly rural animals or "pets" on the farm. Normal pets aren't really common in small areas, more downtown. Then we watched him do a castration of a large pig. They don't use anesthetics because of cost. They hog tied it snd made two insicions and used a clamp tool. Then he sprayed antiseptic in the wounds and gave a tetanus shot. Apparently sutures are too foreign and will be rejected by the body. The inscions will heal in 5-7 days on their own. When Adela went to do the second one, and after the tetanus shot, Florin fainted behind us. He said he didn't know why he did and that it never happened to him before. Then we went over to his pharmacy which looks like a mini pet store, which is basically what i expected. There was a dog hanging around the clinic that followed us all the way back. Some of the girls decided to name it Manamana. They would try to lock it out of the gate and she would jump over it! After lunch, Russell called Adela, Lavinia, and I up to talk. Doc is wantimg to do some workshops in Romania and so he was talking to them about that and he wanted me to hear about how they really don't have the professors support and because it involved Doc. Then we left on the buses for firewood for the bonfire the next night. We had to walk halfway to the river where the wood was. I learned how to chop with an axe and after the second swing, i actually was pretty good at it. Then one of the guys from one of the Romanian families led us up to a cave which was a tough climb to get to between rocks and creeks and stuff. One girl almost passed out so a few girls stayed with her. Then some of us went on top of the cave and was a very crazy time down. I lost my footing at one point and ended up sliding down about two feet on my butt. It was very ironic thst i was wearing my mud club shirt that day too. I rode back on the bus on a towel cuz i was so muddy. We had dinner and then we had our pool party at Ponor. I swam a bit and then enjoyed the sauna. I went on the internet for awhile and then went to bed.

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