Saturday, May 26, 2012


Right after breakfast, we went to the town hall and listened about the EU projects in partnership with farmers to own animals and they would help pay as long as the animal produced some sort of profit. Then we talked about our impressions of Vata de Jos. Last, the director of Heifer Romania talked about what they do and their many projects. I found out that they don't have problems with the bees and pesticides because they put them in areas where pesticides are not even allowed there. There are 500 beehives in the Hunedoara region of Vata de Jos.Then we had lunch and i had a nice long nap. My homestay mother got us all necklaces which was very nice of her. Then we went to a lady's house who has an award for best AI in cattle. We saw her cryo container and then looked around her farm.  Before we left, she insisted on bringing out cakes and juice. Well it wasn't juice, it was tuica. She started pouring it for everyone and i said no thank you but she kept putting it towards me so i took it and was going to give it to someone else. No one wanted it though. Then she actually brought out fanta. So i drank it really fast and then drank fanta. It was still nasty. Then she gave us some yummy cakes although some of the frosting i'm pretty sure was straight up butter. We came back and ate dinner. Chip kept messing with me at dinner during dessert and alot of people were already gone, so i put a little frosting on his face, and but ofcourse being a boy, he retaliated with more and was obnoxious. Russell was like you two can leave if your gonna do that at the table and i was like its always me. But i was not near as trouble and others later in the night... we went outside and greeted our host families and talked for awhile. A lot of them brought tuica and ofcourse being the Romanians they are, they would not take no as an answer. The other girl that doesn't drink agreed to just drink the little bit followed by coke. So gross. One of the biggest things i wont miss is that crap. They were getting ready to light the fire and one of the girls was getting really drunk, so i ended up taking care of her for about 3 hours. Then i went to bed.

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