Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 15 Day 2

We arrived on time to the Munich airport. It was really cool to see twist magazine in German to see who is famous there and I'm proud to say that yes 1D was on the cover, but so was BTR!:) I think I will have to get one of these on the way back,and theyhad good pics. ;) I bought a water and got my change in Euros. Anyway, I slept until the flight and then again on the little puddle jumper till we got closer and my ears were hurting. I sat next to a little old British guy. We landed and the Romanian. Students greeted us. They were really nice and Silvia even remembered my first and last name and gave me the "muah muah" kiss. We got on the USAB Timi. bus. When we got to the vet school, I was surprised . There were tons of stray dogs. I'm probably going to end up getting ringworm and pet them but I am resisting. Also, their buildings look old and run down on the outside but like our dorm is modern inside. It's just a weird mix. Then we went to dinner and socialized. I had two fried cheese slabs and a vinegary salad kind of like coleslaw but without the mayo. We also had sparkly water. Next,we went to Real which is like a Wal-Mart. It was weird to see the brands in some Romanian and some not. I got shampoo,conditioner,  face wipes, a Roma bar, and two liters of water. Since my credit card didnt work and i tried three atms,  Florin paid for me which was so sweet. It was 63 lei which is about 20$. Then on the way back, Chiprian pointed out the owls you could hear. Then we all met up and i went with Agata in her car. By the way,  seltbelts are actually not required in romania and they dont have yellow lights. Then we walked around the squares and saw the first European street lamp. Then we returned to the rooms, took a shower (no curtain so it was really wet as really tall to step up into. ) please excuse typos cuz this tablet doesn't have spell check.

1 comment:

  1. When the keyboard is up, tap the keyboard icon at the bottom right near the click. Select the flext9 English (US) keyboard. That should give you auto complete.
