Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Today we got up and had breakfast, then went to the barn. We milked Stella then brushed the ponies. The one mean pony stepped on my foot! My one toe is a little roughed up. We then went horse back riding again. It was a lot less scary for me this time and i went around a few more times. We headed back and ate lunch then we took Luchia on the wagon and picked up Russell and Ebner for a ride and to show them the barn. After we took them back, we went back to the farm and tackled the pony stall that had to have at lest a foot of packed down poop and straw. It was some crazy hard work and i mostly used the pick axe to pull up and break ground for the rakes. We even found an old looking bell deep in it. After that we came back smd showered and ate dinner. We visitied with Russell snd Ebner and had a lomg coverstation about religion and politics and what not. Then we all used the interenet for a bit and went to bed!

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