Saturday, May 26, 2012


This morning i woke up and had toast and one of my protein strips. Then we went the history museum which leads up to the bell tower. It cost $10 to take pictures so i just enjoyed it. It was interesting to see all the old stuff. The items were old things from the area and were all very cool. My favorite thing was the mini hat display of hatters used to advertise. It reminded me of Alice in Wonderland. Then we got to the top and there was the old figurines that moved on the hour. The view was pretty and it was also really interesting cuz they had signs on the balcony of how far away and the direction most major cities are from there. Then we looked at the weapons collection and the torture chamber.  They were creepy but cool too. Then i had some vegetable soup at a restaurant and then headed back cuz i have not been feeling well at all. So then i got back and ended up throwing up. So after some relaxing and Facetime with mom and dad, i went back out to get more souvenirs and then got yoghurt to drink for dinner. Then i caught up on these and then Facetime with mom and dad again and then went to bed.

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