Thursday, July 18, 2013

BVI Wednesday

-got up at 7:10 and got all finished packing and ready to go
-we rode to the docks and got the ferry & hugged Kelly and Jessie goodbye 
-we all rode on the top and got really wet but we had fun talking and singing till most of us started to get seasick
-when we got back to Tortula, it was already 10 so I missed my ferry, after a long and stressful situation, Croix, Jessica and I all got in a taxi to west end and then went to eat at this little restaurant by the dock; it really sucked because none of us really got to say goodbye unless they were on the same transportation :(
-the restaurant was scetchy but fairly cheap and good, I had Ting which is caribbean grapefruit pop and Mac n Cheese with rice and beans
-then I took the ferry to St.Johns and went through customs and got back on the ferry to St.Thomas
-once there, I took a taxi to the airport where they told me it was too late to check in, it was 2 and I thought my flight was 2:45 but it was 2:25, so I was moved to the 3 something flight
-when I got in the airport I found Haley and Connor I. then soon found Jessica and Croix, and got a fruit cup and cran-raspberry juice
-Jessica, Haley and I were all on the same ATL flight
-I had some of my fruit and nut mix and was still hungry so I ordered a coke and the fruit and cheese plate on the plane, watched the movie Admission
-waited forever in the plane after landing because we were in a flight pen in the sky for awhile due to the bad weather and so there were about 50 planes waiting to go into their terminals
-I waited in the gate line for over an hour even after we went and ate at the food court, I got a big water and a vegetarian chili 
-Haley had to leave for her flight, poor girl had found out that her dog just died and Jessica stayed around till we both had to go to our gates
-finally we left at 12:30 and landed around 1:45am and mom and dad drove me to aunt dawns to house sit

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