Thursday, July 18, 2013

BVI Sunday

-up at 6:15 and ate a bagel, cream cheese, cheese, and sprouts bagel 
-went out to our baiting sites, and put cat food, grapes and banana out , nothing ate our original grapes
-split up into our nesting team and nest hunted for 3 hours with Jessi
-took a nice snack break on the hill above the ocean 
-found a few possible burrows and some still active active sites with tail drag 
-then we went back to our traps and nothing but ants on the first, the second had no grapes, and as we got up to the third, we heard an iguana run away, and all the food was gone
-rebaited with more grapes
-headed to the beach and took a quick dip after getting into suit
-headed back and had lunch , pb&j , with the fresh baked bread from the bakery, an apple, some dorritos, and some of my jerky with a coke
-then I learned how to do the going through data on the camera sd cards
-I did a set with the photos and spreadsheet with Jessica while Abby checked traps, where she restocked what was eaten from the morning
-it was raining hard so we stayed in and finished the cards
-I fell alsleep waiting for my turn to do new cards while watched Slumdog Millionaire on tv
-went to shower
-came back and helped Myles with dinner by cutting tomatoes and onions for on burgers, and making a salad
-ate a veggie burger with all the condiments etc, and tater tots and catsup 
-went to the bakery with Erika and Abby and got a cinnamon cake which was super dense like custard and a cold Apple juice and ate by the ocean ledge
-played some would you rather
-did another card analysis with Connor I.
-played more WYR

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