Saturday, June 9, 2012


This morning we got up early before breakfast to go to the mall to use the rest of our lei. The starbucks was out of caramel so i had mocha cookie crumble frapacino. Its was really good! I got a shirt, necklace and earrings. Then we got back and packed the last of our things and got on the bus to the airport. It was super emotional for almost everyone. But out of everyone, I was sad to leave Agatha. She became like an older sister to me. Especially with our bond over Vampire Diaries. It was hard for me to say goodbye. I managed not to cry until going through security. I cried only a little. We left for Munich. I was next to Ebner on the flight. They gave us a sandwich with spread, Swiss cheese, and peppers. It was good, Ebner gave me his too. Then we went straight to our gate and now have our 9 hours flight to Chicago where Josie's mom will pick us up and bring us to the clinic where mom and dad will get me!

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