Friday, June 1, 2012


After breakfast we headed for Paclisa. Basically we walked the perimeter to check for any holes in the fence to fix and I did some scything. We also whitewashed the posts and the outside of the pig wall. Then I spent some time on the roof and on the truck helping hand up tile shingles. We didn't get to putting the hand prints around the mural today. At the end after Florin and I scrapped the pig stalls to whitewash tomorrow, it started to poor. We picked up all the extra broken tile and the other tools. One of the patients that was helping with the wheelbarrow threw part of one at me! It barely hit me but still. Then we got on the bus to the driver's house to pick up his wife and kid since we were headed to Corvin castle. He was only 2 1/2 and so cute. He gave everyone a kiss on the cheek and one before we left. On the way up to the castle we saw gypsy houses that were decorated in silver stuff. It was ornate and almost oriental looking. Apparently they are shrines and they sleep in a small part in the back. Corvin castle was very cool! It was hard to take photos in the rain though. Then we had dinner when we got back which was soy, potatoes, salad,and donuts. No one is doing wifi today so I'm going to use the little 3G I have and then maybe write some before I go to bed. 20th birthday tomorrow! :)

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