Sunday, June 3, 2012


Today we had breakfast at 9 and then I chilled and read a magazine, talked, and did some writing. Then we left for Densus for the picnic at the Chrishan's. It was sooo good! And we had cakes and a thank you cake too! Then we went to a 13th century basilica and I got two rosaries for mom for school, even tho orthodox church really. The faces were scratched out by the Calvinists long ago. Oldest church in Europe. Apparently in the alter area, the funeral stone is from 2nd century! Then we had the bonfire at Paclisa. I danced with kids from the community and some patients. We taught them the Macarena. Then on our way to the bathroom, we saw Ebner, Josie, and Morgan by the castle. They wanted to use my flashlight on my phone, but I wanted to go too. The place isn't owned by them anymore. It was used back in the communist time as part of the institution. I saw a swarm of honeybees in the crevasse of one of the outside walls behind the building. We found one door open that led to a bathroom and that was about it. I was nervous to go in the upper window because number one I was in shorts, but also because I didn't know that Russell didn't care. I didn't want him to get mad and I really didn't want to get in trouble for trespassing and get arrested in Romania! Once everyone was in I was alone standing watch and a bunch of boys came and so I yelled for someone to come back. Ebner came out so the. He recognized the boys from last year. They are from the local high school since the bonfire was open to the community. It was funny, because they knew the guard so we didn't have to worry about getting in trouble. They said they did it before and they don't care. Then we came back and hung out with the high school students and talked about pop culture. They don't like Justin Bieber, don't have Nickelodeon, know who Rihanna and One Direction are. Movies big from America are Hangover and American Pie. Men in Black 3 and Avengers are in theaters right now. We also met a patient named Doby who was very sweet. Then we found out that our bus broke down and so we had to ride back in cars. Three people in the front and six in the back. Kara was on my lap.

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