Saturday, June 9, 2012

Found this

From the day of the vet:
At vet I had some fanta with Pantone and wholemade pretzels.
Lunch was veggie soup with noodles, coleslaw , buttery potatoes, and donuts.

Had a peach nestea Popsicle from the market.

Fried cauliflower, tomato sauce ,potatoes, bread , apple and donuts.



This morning we got up early before breakfast to go to the mall to use the rest of our lei. The starbucks was out of caramel so i had mocha cookie crumble frapacino. Its was really good! I got a shirt, necklace and earrings. Then we got back and packed the last of our things and got on the bus to the airport. It was super emotional for almost everyone. But out of everyone, I was sad to leave Agatha. She became like an older sister to me. Especially with our bond over Vampire Diaries. It was hard for me to say goodbye. I managed not to cry until going through security. I cried only a little. We left for Munich. I was next to Ebner on the flight. They gave us a sandwich with spread, Swiss cheese, and peppers. It was good, Ebner gave me his too. Then we went straight to our gate and now have our 9 hours flight to Chicago where Josie's mom will pick us up and bring us to the clinic where mom and dad will get me!


Yesterday we got up and had omelets again for breakfast, and went out around the square stopping at souvenir places. Vlad met up with us and I got Shwarma, the REAL one , just without the meat. It was very good! They had Lucas sandwiches. Then we went shopping at the cathedral. Next we went back to the hotel and got clothes together to bring to the orphanage. It was fun. The kids were really sweet. Well except one. He kept smushing the banana we gave them on us, biting and hitting! So we just kept saying no good to him in Romanian. She one girl was so sweet, the little one adorable and the part deaf one, Alex, was enjoying taking pictures with my phone. The one boy liked being picked up and before we left, he kissed me on the cheek. Such a sweetie. The boys took Rachel's camera and purse and later they Stood in front of the door so we couldn't leave. Then we came back and went to the farewell dinner at restaurant chic. It was fun and lots of pictures were taken and the food very good. then we all just hung out, packed and went to bed.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Home tomorrow!

I will blog about today, tomorrow since I'll be up for all 8 hours of my flight!

Party Fail

So we got to the club and it was closed! So we went to another one that was closed in a half hour. So we went to Bricks and Beers tavern and I had two non alcoholic drinks. I tried "hell's fairy Bit&$ " of someone's and it was weird licorice like. Then we played some games and left.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tuesday Time!

We had breakfast first at the hotel. It was a yummy omelet and veggies. Then we went to the JOHR ministry offices and talked with the daughter of a pastor who led a protest during the revolution and started Onesimus house orphanage for young children and boys. It was neat to learn about the history aspect and why having a quality orphanage was such a big deal. Then we took a tour of the house and helped on load a truck of donations from a church in France. We headed out for the manicures but stopped at a cafe while the first girl got hers. I had a veggie and tofu bruschetta with a raspberry smoothie. Then we went around and looked at second hand stores. I didn't end up getting a manicure because it was actually 30lei and a misunderstanding. Then we had lunch and I had these seasoned fries and ketchup and a chocolate pastry instead McDonalds like the rest. Then we went to the mall. It was huge! It had at least 4 floors, escalators, big food court, etc. I got a shirt for going out tonight. Then got a bunch of food to take home at the market under the mall. It was like a Sam's club! Then we sat at Bond 007 Cafe for a bit and then came back to the hotel. Now I'm just relaxing since we are going out to the club tonight! It should be interesting to see what kind of music they play! I don't drink but I plan to have dancing with everyone :)

Monday, June 4, 2012


We had breakfast at Paclisa and then boarded the buses. We rode up the beautiful mountains to Chiprian's family's Pension. It was cute and small like a little cabin. Then we headed out to Sarmizegetusa to a museum where they have the Dacia ruins from when the Romans took over, including some of the still standing ones outside. Then back on the bus to Lugoj for lunch. I had a vegetarian pizza that was pretty good. It had onions, cheese, tomatoes, olives, and some herbs. Now at the Hotel Roma in Timisoara. The Romanian students went back to their apartments. Now we are waiting to go to Dr.Stoian's for a picnic for dinner.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Today we had breakfast at 9 and then I chilled and read a magazine, talked, and did some writing. Then we left for Densus for the picnic at the Chrishan's. It was sooo good! And we had cakes and a thank you cake too! Then we went to a 13th century basilica and I got two rosaries for mom for school, even tho orthodox church really. The faces were scratched out by the Calvinists long ago. Oldest church in Europe. Apparently in the alter area, the funeral stone is from 2nd century! Then we had the bonfire at Paclisa. I danced with kids from the community and some patients. We taught them the Macarena. Then on our way to the bathroom, we saw Ebner, Josie, and Morgan by the castle. They wanted to use my flashlight on my phone, but I wanted to go too. The place isn't owned by them anymore. It was used back in the communist time as part of the institution. I saw a swarm of honeybees in the crevasse of one of the outside walls behind the building. We found one door open that led to a bathroom and that was about it. I was nervous to go in the upper window because number one I was in shorts, but also because I didn't know that Russell didn't care. I didn't want him to get mad and I really didn't want to get in trouble for trespassing and get arrested in Romania! Once everyone was in I was alone standing watch and a bunch of boys came and so I yelled for someone to come back. Ebner came out so the. He recognized the boys from last year. They are from the local high school since the bonfire was open to the community. It was funny, because they knew the guard so we didn't have to worry about getting in trouble. They said they did it before and they don't care. Then we came back and hung out with the high school students and talked about pop culture. They don't like Justin Bieber, don't have Nickelodeon, know who Rihanna and One Direction are. Movies big from America are Hangover and American Pie. Men in Black 3 and Avengers are in theaters right now. We also met a patient named Doby who was very sweet. Then we found out that our bus broke down and so we had to ride back in cars. Three people in the front and six in the back. Kara was on my lap.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Birthday Day

Last night I stayed up with some others till midnight. Rachel got me chocolate, Josie colored and everyone signed me a picture, and Agatha got me chocolate and a Dracula mug. :) Paclisa today was pretty chill. Me and Skye painted hands for the wall and then moved trees out of the big pile. Then we had lunch which was soup, potatoes, a piece of cheese, and a poached eff. We had cream horns for dessert. Then we gave the administrator a tour of what we did. Then I came back for a a short nap before we talked about our final projects for a bit. Then we took pictures and got ice cream downtown since everything was close early since it was Saturday. We came back and had pasta with a creamy mushroom sauce for dinner and then they brought out a huge birthday cake for me. It was my first birthday in Romania and so there was a 1 candle. It ha fruit in it and was really good! Aside from getting stinging nettles when moving trees, it's been a good 20th birthday! :)

Friday, June 1, 2012


Oh! There was also a calf born today and since it was out back, some of the girls carried it up. It was soooo cute! :)


After breakfast we headed for Paclisa. Basically we walked the perimeter to check for any holes in the fence to fix and I did some scything. We also whitewashed the posts and the outside of the pig wall. Then I spent some time on the roof and on the truck helping hand up tile shingles. We didn't get to putting the hand prints around the mural today. At the end after Florin and I scrapped the pig stalls to whitewash tomorrow, it started to poor. We picked up all the extra broken tile and the other tools. One of the patients that was helping with the wheelbarrow threw part of one at me! It barely hit me but still. Then we got on the bus to the driver's house to pick up his wife and kid since we were headed to Corvin castle. He was only 2 1/2 and so cute. He gave everyone a kiss on the cheek and one before we left. On the way up to the castle we saw gypsy houses that were decorated in silver stuff. It was ornate and almost oriental looking. Apparently they are shrines and they sleep in a small part in the back. Corvin castle was very cool! It was hard to take photos in the rain though. Then we had dinner when we got back which was soy, potatoes, salad,and donuts. No one is doing wifi today so I'm going to use the little 3G I have and then maybe write some before I go to bed. 20th birthday tomorrow! :)